West Lothian Club of the Year 2017


The Family Unity Nurture (FUN) project supporting local families started on Friday 18th February. BUSC was delighted to welcome local families to this. This looks to facilitate local families in cooking and community inclusion.

It was great to see local families integrate and enjoy working with BUSC staff and volunteers.

Many thanks to Foundation Scotland for supporting this project enabling the local families to benefit.

Look out for the weekly updates to see how the families progress.


BUSC have been working with all primary schools within Broxburn & Uphall, delivering our much acclaimed Fun Start Fitness programme. The primary three kids, learn key messages about health & well-being through a small presentation, the messages are transferred into game activity, giving the kids a stronger knowledge of the importance of leading healthy lifestyles. The kids love the five week programme and are rewarded with a certificate of achievement.

Watch some of our action by clicking the link https://vimeo.com/34371334

BUSC are currently looking for a sponsor for the programme, if you can help out and want to know more about the programme, please contact James Pegg, 01506 858057 or email j.pegg@busc.org.uk

20 Under 20: From One Generation to Another


Scotland international Hayley Lauder was on hand at BUSC on Tuesday to help promote the SFA’s new '20 Under 20’ programme, as well as answer any questions from the youth prospects of tomorrow’s generation.

The 20 Under 20 programme was launched as part of the UEFA Women’s Under-19 European Championship legacy projects, which sees 20 female coaches between the ages of 16 and 20 placed on a year-long development course.

BUSC volunteer coaches Tegayn Hamilton, Anna Dickov and Emma Macfadyen have been chosen to take part in the programme - which starts on 1st June - and the girls expressed their excitement at the opportunities that it will bring.

Emma was looking forward to some of the benefits that the programme would bring: “There’ll be new experiences and learning new things, being able to coach the Over-13s and learning the techniques that the best coaches use.”

Tegayn also felt that the programme would bring some personal satisfaction as well: “It’ll help make yourself more confident around other people and as a coach as well.”

Anna stated: “It’s definitely a big progression for women’s football, to allow young coaches to make a name for themselves.”

Hayley, Coaches and Kids.jpg

Hayley took questions from some of our young players including what team she supports (Livingston), her favourite colour (purple) and favourite pizza (tries to avoid it when she can!)

Yesterday also allowed Hayley the opportunity to ask some questions of her own for Tegayn, Emma and Anna regarding their participation in the 20 Under 20 programme and what they wish to achieve as a professional in women’s football.

We’d like to thank Hayley for taking the time out of her World Cup preparations to visit BUSC on Tuesday, and wish her all the best in France this summer!

More thanks go to Emma, Tegayn and Anna for helping BUSC out by volunteering as coaches while also playing for their respective clubs, and wish all the best of luck with their 20 Under 20 programme which begins at the beginning of June.

Alive & Kickin calls out for votes to bag a share of Tesco’s Bag Fund

Alive & Kickin calls out for votes to bag a share of Tesco’s bag fund

BUSC’s Alive & Kickin is bidding to bag a massive cash boost from the Tesco Bags of Help initiative.

Tesco teamed up with Groundwork to launch its community funding scheme, which sees grants of £4,000, £2,000 and £1,000 raised from carrier bag sales in Tesco stores awarded to local community projects. greenspace scotland is working with Groundwork to provide support to communities in Scotland.

Three groups in every Tesco region have been shortlisted to receive the cash award and shoppers are being invited to head along to Tesco stores to vote for who they think should take away the top grant.

Alive & Kickin’s Invigor8 is one of the groups on the shortlist.

Invigor8 is a programme devised to encourage the participants to try new sports and learn new skills.  Each calendar month we work on a new activity for a session lasting one hour.  Participants have an input to which activities they would like to learn.

Co-ordinator Leigh Lauder, said:

“Our participants turn up with a cant do attitude but after trying a sport or activity for a few weeks they become comfortable and improve their skill levels.  This only improves confidence and we see smiles on peoples faces, which is great to see.”

Voting is open in all Tesco stores in Bathgate and East Calder. Customers will cast their vote using a token given to them at the check-out in store each time they shop.

Bags of Help project has already delivered over £63 million to more than 20,000 projects across Britain. Tesco customers get the chance to vote for three different groups every time they shop. Every other month, when votes are collected, three groups in each of Tesco’s regions will be awarded funding.

Tony McElroy, Tesco’s Head of Communications in Scotland, said:

“Bags of Help has been a fantastic success and we’ve been overwhelmed by the response from customers. It’s such a special scheme because it’s local people who decide how the money will be spent in their community. There are some fantastic projects on the shortlists and we can’t wait to see these come to life in hundreds of communities.”

Emma Halliday, Community Enabler Coordinator at greenspace scotland, said:

“Bags of Help continues to enable local communities up and down Britain to improve the local spaces and places that matter to them. The diversity of projects that are being funded shows that local communities have a passion to create something great in their area. We are pleased to be able to be a part of the journey and provide support and encouragement to help local communities thrive.”

Funding is available to community groups and charities looking to fund local projects that bring benefits to communities. Anyone can nominate a project and organisations can apply online. To find out more visit www.tesco.com/bagsofhelp.


BUSC's Walking Football: Doug's Story


We here at BUSC are proud of the activities and groups that we put on for our community.

That’s because we know of the positive effect that we have on the people who take part and their lives.

Doug has been part of the walking football group for a year and a half now.

Having been diagnosed with Parkinson’s, Doug initially found it difficult to cope with the disease impeding his life, until he was informed of the walking football sessions by his wife and daughter who undertook our Pilates class at the club.

“The two of them just looked out the window and thought to themselves “Well, dad could do that” and lucky enough, it’s been a godsend. And it’s helped me in every way especially with my Parkinson’s because I have so much passion for football.”

“I’ve always believed in positive mental attitudes throughout my life.”

Even at 76, Doug is still very much passionate about life and feels the walking football has helped improve the condition that he lives with, and his positivity always shines through.

“If you have a negative attitude, you won’t get anywhere. The last year and a half have helped me immensely. It would help so many other people to accept that they have an illness but that you still have a life.

“This is your life and you have only one life, so get out there and live it.”

For Doug who had been involved with football both professionally and personally, the football has acted as a coping mechanism for his condition.

“You need something to focus on or concentrate upon. If I have a good game, I’ll feel good about myself, if I have a bad game then I’ll be depressed about it all week! But it gives you something to look forward to all week.”

A symptom of Parkinson’s is that the brain is relieved of dopamine which is the reward chemical in your brain, but Doug feels that the walking football has helped him cope with that aspect of his condition and is more than happy to spread the praise about.

“If I get told I’ve made a great pass, or that was a great ball, then I start to feel good about myself knowing I’ve done well.”


Off the pitch has been important to Doug as well, as meeting new people and getting involved in other group activities means he has made new friends which he wasn’t expecting.

“I’ve met some of the nicest people in my life, and three of them I would count as my best friends which you don’t expect at this stage of your life. Danny, Archie and Ian are three great guys.

“One of the people I respect the most is George who comes every week and whose wife has dementia, and he comes just to get a break and get away from it for a bit. You don’t have to be Denis Law or George Best to play!

The walking football has improved Doug’s health so much to the point that his doctors have been impressed with how rapidly his condition has improved. On his last visit to his doctor, Doug was told that he didn’t need to be seen for another nine months because he was in such good shape.

As a result, Doug has a simple message for anyone thinking about taking part in the walking football.

“Hurry up and join. It’s the best thing I ever did.

“It is such a benefit to everyone no matter what level you are or what standards you have. Look good and feel good. That’s what I want to achieve.”

“My life’s just begun, it’s made me want to live.”

Santa Claus is coming to Town

BUSC are holding Children’s Christmas Parties at Albyn Park on Sunday 23rd December. What better way to excite your kids than by bringing them along to our Christmas party. Meet new friends, sing, dance, play party games and meet Santa Claus.We have two age brackets a Primary 1 - 3 party from 3-5pm at Albyn Park and a Primary 4 - 7 party from 6 — 8pm, cost is £5. Please note this party is open to all children within the community.

To reserve your ticket please contact j.pegg@busc.org.uk or tel 01506 858057.

Battle of the Bing - Get Ready!


The Inaugural Battle of the Bing summer CX will take place here at BUSC!

We have been spoiled with this venue and have been allowed full access to the football ground facilities. With that we have full amenities, a huge shower and changing block as well as cafe facilities going full tilt all day.

• The race format will be open to men and women, 16 years and over - the relevant age is as you come on the 29th July 2018.

• The races format will in 2 parts...yes 2 races for the price of 1.

• 2 heats first 50% in each race will proceed to the A final. Second 50% to the B Final

• 2 Kids races will be held to on the day and will be free to enter. Just turn up with a helmet and a bike in working order and you’re in. Age groups will be 6-10 & 10-16

• All upcoming news will be posted on the event Facebook page www.facebook.com/events/166531807366512/


• We are aiming to kick off Heat's at 11am (40 mins + 1 lap) Finals 14.00 (55 mins + 1 lap)

• The course will be open to all riders at 10am for practice.

• Kids races 13.15

• Timings are subject to change. Exact timings will be communicated closer to the race date.


• There will be 200 entries available.

• Entry is £22.50 per rider.

• The closing date for advance entries is the 22nd of July 2018.

• There will be no entries on the day. (Subject to organisers discretion)

• This is a small, grass roots 'cross event. Cash flow is not huge. Therefore unfortunately no refunds will be given.


Just drop the Race HQ address in to your sat nav or smartphone and hit GO!!

Broxburn United Sports Club
1 Albyn Pl,
EH52 5BP