Multi Sport Camp a Great Success

Today sees the end of week 1 of the Easter Holiday Camps and its been a busy one at Albyn Park.  More than 18 kids have taken part in the Multi Sport Camp throughout the week with those who attended getting the opportunity to try out a whole host of sports and fun games.  Attendees had the opportunity to take part in Handball, Mini Golf, Football, Rounders, Rugby, Boxing, Tennis, Badminton, Table Tennis, Free Play opportunities as well as other fun activities such as Capture the Flag, the Cube and Relays etc

As well as those who attended we also owe a huge amount of thanks to our young volunteers who continue to support us with delivery of camps and programmes throughout the club.  This week Marcus Millar, Ruairidh Little, David Howie and Calum Boyle were good enough to help us as we try and provide opportunities for young volunteers within the club to gain valuable experience in the work place environment.  We are delighted that they have also agreed to help out next week with our Football Camp.  Thanks again guys.

If you are interested in volunteering with BUSC please contact a member of staff for further details. 

Finally we still have spaces available for our Football Camp which starts on Monday with over 24 children now signed up.  If you would like further details please contact Aidan on

Multi Sport Camp Week 2.jpg
David, Ruairidh & Marcus