Lets Get It Right for Autism - WL Council Funding

We are delighted to have got through phase one of West Lothians 'Lets Get it Right for Autism Fund' and in to the final selection process as we look to establish a new disability section within the club.  Having previously ran the PAN disability centre and reviewing the differences/impact that the programme made we decided to move away from this delivery model and focus on a disability specific delivery. 

Along with our delivery partner (Team United) who have been helping to develop the framework we are hopeful that we will be successful in gaining funding to develop phase 1 of the programme.  The key areas being around not only delivery but having a social hub in place so that kids can begin to integrate in to the club, a games programme plus other elements to make it a more suitable to the child's needs.

On Saturday 25 March Aidan will be presenting to West Lothian Council on this alongside all the other applicants (which will all be filmed) and thereafter the voting process will be opening.  We will keep members informed of this as the process happens but would be greatful if our membership can get behind the bid when it officially opens for voting.  This is phase 1 of what we hope will be the beginning of a new and exciting chapter within disability delivery at the club.  Failure to access the funding will mean identifying a new fund to help lift this off the ground.

In the meantime please see attached some documentation confirming who will be presenting on the day and more information around their projects.