Your Votes Count - Please continue to help spread the word and vote for BUSC

Let's Get it Right for Autism is a project which aims to improve the quality of life of individuals in West Lothian with Autism.

West Lothian Council have set aside £10,000 and want the community to decide how it is spent. Parents, carers, individuals with autism and other members of the community will decide which projects are needed to support people with autism.

On behalf of BUSC Aidan recently presented to an open forum at the Civic Centre, West Lothian on BUSC's proposed project which can be seen in the link below.  We hope all our members and anyone else who is interested can help support us in this process and vote using the link below.  ONLY CONDITION IS YOU MUST HAVE A WEST LOTHIAN POSTCODE.

Voting is now open

Broxburn United Sports Club in partnership with Team United are bidding for some funding to run a programme.