After another fantastic few blocks BUSC's term time disability programme has come to an end. We would like to place on record our thanks to the following schools who continue to engage with us across a number of programmes and for allowing pupils the opportunity for more frequent sporting and educational opportunities to the young people in their care.
Ogilvie School Campus, Football Programme - 4 different classes attending over previous block, Cedarbank , Football & Leadership Prog- pupils from across the school & annexe involved, Pinewood, Football & Leadership Prog- pupils from two classes involved across past 3 terms, Donaldson's, Adaptive Bikes/Cycling Prog- every pupil from school involved over past year, Donaldsons Junction Group - Only running for 2 months targeting socially excluded young people
All of the above programmes which take place at Albyn Park, Broxburn use sport whether football, cycling, Boxing etc to empower young people, help develop confidence, learn new skills, meet new people and continue their own self development.
Among some of thehighlights from the past year is the increased engagement across this sector and the recognition that BUSC adds value to what they do. On an individual level it y own highlights have been working with children who have never cycled before progress through our adaptive bikes programme and on to two wheels. For something that comes so simply for many of us this is a massive hurdle for many of the young people and the added benefits to their life this brings is huge, not only for their health and wellbeing but confidence, self esteem and willingness to try something new. We also enabled some of the young people to come to BUSC on work placements and helped to deliver the school sports day to all the other students, an achievement for the students which is difficult to comprehend in words alone.
Again a massive thanks to all involved in the programmes. We look forward to working with you all again as well as new students in the future.