Over the past two months BUSC has been pro-active in developing and growing our disability section within the club and have seen numbers attending our pan disability class on a Saturday morning increase from 2 to 10 within this short period. This has been a fantastic achievement in the short term as we look to grow and develop the pathway within the club.
Ultimately though if we want to establish the section and develop it to the best of our abilities we would be keen to identify some more volunteers from within the community to support us with this. We would be keen to get more volunteers involved with not only the coaching aspect but potentially to drive the section and bring new ideas to the club.
If this is something that would interest you BUSC are willing to support you with a personal development plan and coach education assistance to help you achieve your goals. No experience is required and volunteers can start getting involved from as young as 14 years of age.
If this is something that interests you or you are aware of anybody who would be keen to get involved please contact Aidan on a.forbes@busc.org.uk
Please also support us by sharing via Social Media.